DMCA Takedown Policy

Welcome to’s Guide to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, commonly known as the “DMCA.” This page is an overview of the law and should not be considered exhaustive. However, if you have received a DMCA takedown notice directed at a site you have hosted on or if you are a rights holder and would like to issue such a notice, we hope this page will help set out our policies for complying with it.

If you just want to send a notice, you can skip to the end.

As with all legal matters, it is always best to consult with a professional about your specific questions or situations. We strongly recommend that you do so before taking any action that may affect your rights. This guide is not legal advice and should not be taken as such.
What is the DMCA?

To understand the DMCA and some of the policy lines it draws, it is helpful to know the reasons why the law was created.

Before the DMCA, an Internet-based service provider like could be held liable for copyright infringement in the United States just for hosting its users’ images, music, videos, or code. This was true even if it had no actual knowledge of any infringing content. This was a problem, since even a single claim of copyright infringement can carry statutory damages of up to . With potential damages multiplied across millions of users, cloud computing and user-generated content sites like YouTube, Facebook, or GitHub would likely never have existed (or at least not without passing some of that cost on to their users).

The DMCA attempted to fix this problem by creating a so-called “safe harbor” of copyright liability for Internet service providers who allegedly infringe user-generated content. (See U.S. Code Title 17 Section 512.) Essentially, as long as a service provider complies with the DMCA’s notice and takedown rules, they will not be liable for copyright infringement based on user-generated content. Because of this, it is important for to maintain its DMCA safe harbor status.
DMCA Notices

The DMCA provides two simple and straightforward procedures that all users should be aware of: (i) a takedown notice procedure for copyright holders to request that content be removed; and (ii) a notification procedure for users to re-enable content when it is mistakenly removed.

DMCA takedown notices are used by copyright owners to request to remove infringing content. If someone else uses your copyrighted content in an unauthorized manner on, you can send us a DMCA takedown notice to request that the infringing content be modified or removed.

On the other hand, counter-notices can be used to correct mistakes. Maybe the person sending the takedown notice isn’t the copyright owner, or didn’t realize they had a license, or made some other mistake in their takedown notice. Since usually can’t tell if there’s been a mistake, the DMCA counter-notice lets you let us know and request that we put the content back up.
A. How it works acts as a middleman. The copyright owner files with a complaint about a user. If that complaint is properly filed, we pass it on to the user. If the user disputes the complaint, passes the dispute on to the copyright owner. doesn’t pass any judgment other than checking that the notices meet the minimum DMCA requirements. It is up to the parties (and their attorneys) to evaluate the merit of their claims, keeping in mind that notices must be made under penalty of perjury.

To exercise DMCA rights, you must send your appropriate DMCA to the following designated agent (“The Designated Agent”). The contact information for designated agent is:

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